Syngas Analyzer

Syngas Analyzer: Vasthi Instruments Gasification is a technological process that can convert any carbonaceous (organic) raw material such as coal into fuel gas, also known as synthesis gas in short syngas. Generally a high temperature/pressure vessel where oxygen or air and steam are directly contacted with the coal or other feedstocks like coal, biomass, and some waste material causing a series of chemical reactions to occur that convert the feed to electricity, syngas and ash/slag (mineral residues). How Vasthi syngas analyzer works: Vasthi uses heated probe to collect the sample from the sample line, it will maintain constant temperature and removes the dust and mist from the sample gas. This gas sample passes through electrically heated tube to cooler. It will remove the vapour content and cools the gas sample to 5ᵒC dew point range and this sample gas goes through the filter that eliminates the dust particle remaining and finally sensor senses and gives the e...